Two Copyright Collectives Receive Licenses in Kosovo

Jul 23 2012 - 14:35

On July 12, the Copyright and Related Rights Office, operating under the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports in Pristina, Kosovo, gave licenses to the first two copyright collectives established in Kosovo.

The two collectives are the Association of Authors, Producers and Interpreters (APIK), responsible for the collective management of musical works, and the Audio Visual Association of Performers and Interpreters (VAPIK), responsible for the collective management of audiovisual works.

Memli Krasniqi, minister of culture, youth and sports, under whom the copyright office operates, handed the licenses to the representatives of the two associations, Florent Boshnjaku from APIK and Blerim Gjoci from VAPIK.

The new Law on Copyright and Related Rights entered into force in Kosovo in December 2011 and now the copyright office has taken an important step to ensure proper implementation of this law.

Prepared by: Jelena Jankovic

For more information, please contact

Source: Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports

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