WTR Global Leaders 2021 Recognizes Three PETOŠEVIĆ Practitioners

Jul 29 2021 - 09:37

World Trademark Review has recently published its third edition of WTR Global Leaders, including three PETOŠEVIĆ attorneys among the world’s foremost law firm and corporate trademark experts:

Aura Campeanu – Private practice, Romania
Ivan Kos – Private practice, Croatia
Mihajlo Zatezalo – Private practice, Serbia

WTR Global Leaders is a publication that identifies the best of the best in trademark practice by drawing on the WTR 1000 and the WTR 300 research projects. To qualify for inclusion in WTR Global Leaders, individuals must be ranked in the gold tier of the WTR 1000.

For more information and to read client testimonials about PETOŠEVIĆ and our team, visit our Rankings page.

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