Azerbaijan to Implement Holograms to Help Fight Piracy

Oct 1 2014 - 16:40

The Azerbaijan Copyright Agency informed that it had made final preparations for the implementation of holograms on products subject to copyright protection. The holograms will be issued by the Center for Intellectual Property Rights, which is part of the agency.

For this purpose, the agency created an electronic system for the issuing of these control marks, as well as a “Track & Trace” system for smart phones.

The cost of one hologram will be EUR 0.15 (USD 0.19). All products distributed without holograms will be considered pirated and their distributors will be fined in accordance with the Administrative Offences Code.

The agency is also finalizing the activities related to the launch of an online copyright protection system. “The main issue is the application of digital monitoring and licensing. Online copyright protection is quite a complicated process, and works on this project are being conducted intensively and will be completed in the near future,” the Azerbaijan Copyright Agency informed. This online system will also be supervised by the Center for IP Rights.

Prepared by: Aleksandra Pavlovic

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Source: News portal

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