Uzbekistan Launches Online Filing of Open Patent License Applications

Mar 7 2023 - 15:26

On February 7, 2023, the Uzbek Ministry of Justice, which has authority over the Uzbek IPO, passed an order enabling patent holders to file applications for an open patent license online. While applications could previously only be filed on paper, in either Uzbek or Russian, they can now only be filed online, and only in Uzbek.

Open licenses are non-exclusive licenses which allow any person to make use of the patent by entering into a license agreement with the patent holder. The terms of the open license are negotiable and any disputes are reviewed by courts.

The Industrial Property Protection Portal, which was announced in 2022 and recently launched by the Ministry of Justice, will serve as the main portal for filing open license applications for patents, utility models, industrial designs, plant varieties and animal breeds, and for publishing information on such applications.

Applicants must pay a state fee (EUR 5 for residents and EUR 90 for non-residents) and attach the following documents to the application:

  • Power of attorney (when the application is submitted by a representative or patent attorney);
  • Consent of all patent holders (if there are several).

The original letters patent or its duplicate is no longer required.

The Ministry of Justice will inform the patent holder of the application acceptance through the portal and will publish information about it in its Official Bulletin. Within three days from publication, the Ministry of Justice will send information on the open license’s registration date to the patent holder.

By: Djakhangir Aripov and Altynbek Amraev

For more information, please contact Djakhangir Aripov at our Uzbekistan office.

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